The yak, often seen as the backbone of Nepal’s high-altitude communities, is a tough and trustworthy companion in the harshest of environments. These sturdy creatures, with their thick coats and solid frames, have been essential for centuries in regions where temperatures drop below freezing and the landscape is unforgiving. They were built for cold so them being in the Himalayas is just perfect.
In Nepal's remote villages, yaks are the ultimate pack animals. Whether it’s delivering goods to trekkers or transporting essential supplies for the locals, these animals have an amazing ability to carry heavy loads across steep, rugged terrain. Without them, many of these isolated villages would struggle to stay connected to the outside world. But they aren’t all about hard work, they are also very essential for other things as well. They also provide milk, which is turned into butter and cheese. Their meat is a vital protein source, and their wool is spun into warm clothing, protecting people from the biting cold. Yaks are deeply affiliated into the life of the people in the mountains, offering much more than just physical labor.
Unfortunately, climate change is starting to take its toll. With warmer temperatures and shrinking grazing land, yaks are facing tougher times ahead. Their future, and the future of the communities that rely on them, is uncertain. But efforts are being made to preserve their habitats and ensure that these hardy animals continue to roam the highlands for the future generations to be amazed when they see it.
Photo Credit-Lieve Ransijn,Puskal Kafle,Sanjay Hona,Jayant Chaudhary
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