Nepal Celebrates National Paddy Plantation day

29, Jun 2020 |

Every year for centuries, farmers have been celebrating Ropai Diwas by planting rice and paddy on Asar 15

Asar 15 that falls on June 30 this year marks the plantation of new seedlings for the year where farmers sow seeds and hope for its substantial reap. Among the Nepali farming communities, it is a special day where families and households come together and celebrate. The long stretch of the month of Asar is ideal for paddy and rice development because it falls under the monsoon season and is considered the peak time when farmers get busy in their fields. The government has also officially endorsed the tradition to celebrate Asar 15 as National Dhan Diwas (National Rice Plantation Day).

The day is not just about hard labour but is considered as a feast and celebration rather than work. Locals and foreigners, both revel in various fun-filled rice planting rituals and events like mud race, plough race, rice planting race. The people add to their joy by listening to local Asare jhaure songs or traditional monsoon songs and having a feast of Dahi Cheura (curd and beaten rice), potato and pickle in the leaf of Sarbara, a kind of flower is a part of the norm. That is why this day is also popularly known as ‘Dahi Cheura khane din’. People all over mark this day by eating Dahi Cheura even if they don’t participate in rice planting ceremonies.

As a country we celebrate many festivals in Nepal but Ropai Jatra is a unique cultural festival not based on any religion.

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