With over 19 years experience in the hospitality chain, General Manger of The Fern Residency Dr Sanjay Jamwal is known for his knowledge and his unique modus operandi which is a mixture of compassion and creativity.
What is the best piece of advice ever given to you?
When I was working in Oman, my manager there gave me a piece of advice that has stuck with me through all these times. Everything in life should strike a fine balance- only when there is balance are we walking on the right path. I have used this piece of advice while dealing with challenges and taking major decisions in life. It is very difficult to manage people from different nationalities and all their interests should be kept in mind while making major decisions.
What drives you and what are you most passionate about?
Anything that makes me want to do better is what drives me. Be it for the community or for self, if it helps someone, I become all the more passionate about that particular thing and use all my energy into ensuring I achieve that goal. I think everyone should do something that they are passionate about. For me, I like ensuring other people have comfortable stays, thus hospitality. Most of the times, I don’t even notice when the day passes because that is how engrossed I am in my work! If that is not passion then I don’t know what is.
What is success to you? How do you measure it?
I don’t think success is something that we achieve once in our life and just stop. It is something that goes on for all our lives and is a continuous process. One accolade doesn’t mean you have achieved success. It is the sum of our lives that describes us.
I think in the hospitality business when one can measure their success by ensuring that goals are met and all work is done well within the budget.
You are a busy man. What do you do when you finally get some time off? / What do you do to relax?
Being a certified dietician, it is very necessary for me to keep fit. Thus, to relax and take my mind off things I go the gym and workout. One may say I am a work out freak. Apart from that I like spending time with my family and of course swimming!
What would you say is your biggest achievement of all time?
I think my biggest achievement would be that I am India’s and Nepal’s most qualified General Manager in the hospitality chain. I have a total of eight degrees and that makes me most qualified, at least academically.
What do you look for in your dream team?
Whatever progress a company makes is due to the team and its efforts. it is collective and not a single person’s achievement. My dream team I think should have a 'never give up attitude'. Another quality they should possess is the willingness to learn.
The Fern residency has recently opened Platinum Beacon. How do you plan on staying on top of the game?
The Fern Residency is one of the world’s leading eco friendly hotel chain. We strive to inspire other hotel chains and continue our efforts in ensuring we do our part to save the world. We also have various projects such as cleaning of the streets where we try and involve the communities of Kathmandu.
What are your thoughts on VNY 2020? What and how does The Fern Residency plan to contribute towards VNY 2020?
VNY 2020 is a great initiative to increase the tourist traffic and welcome them to beautiful Nepal. The Fern Residency is very excited about this project and has various future prospects coming up. We are planning on expansion and have a total of 6 new hotels coming up in various parts of Nepal such as Pokahara, Biratnagar, Nepalgunj and Lumbini.