The Ratneshwar Temple Tundaal Handover Ceremony took place in Australia, where a 13th-century temple strut, known as a tundaal, was returned to Mr. Heramba Raj Rajopahdyay, the head priest of the Ratneshwar temple. The ceremony was held at the Art Gallery of New South Wales (AGNSW) and was attended by various dignitaries, including Australia's Assistant Foreign Minister, The Hon Tim Watts, MP, Secretary of the Ministry of Culture, Tourism, and Civil Aviation, Mr. Suresh Adhikari, and Mayor of Lalitpur Metropolitan City, Mr. Chiri Babu Maharjan.
The event commenced with a musical prelude by Sukarma and friends, adding to the festive atmosphere. Mr. Chiri Babu Maharjan, the Mayor of Lalitpur, delivered the welcome remarks, followed by the lighting of the panas.
During the handover ceremony, Assistant Minister Watts, who was on an official visit to Nepal, praised AGNSW, stating that Australia had demonstrated its commitment to the highest standards of ethical practice and international obligations. He emphasized the flourishing relationship between Australia and Nepal and attributed it to the efforts of the people involved.
Dr. Michael Brand, the Director of AGNSW, expressed his honor in working with the Australian Government to return this significant cultural artifact to its rightful place—the people of Nepal.
The Ratneshwar Temple Tundaal Handover Ceremony symbolized the strong bond between Australia and Nepal and highlighted the importance of preserving and respecting cultural heritage.
photos by: Sankalpa Nakarmi
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