The fourth iteration of the biggest contemporary art festival ever to be conducted in Nepal, Kathmandu Triennale 2077 has physically opened its doors for the world to see its plethora of magnificent artworks carved by the artist's mind. KT 2077 was supposed to open after delays from COVID-19, on Feb 11 of this year but was delayed to today over fears of the Omicron variant. Now KT 2077 finally opens from today to the end of March as the momentous occasion
Led by Artistic Director Cosmin Costinas and Co-Curators Sheelasha Rajbhandari and Hit Man Gurung, the event will bring 130+ artists from every corner of the world and with over 300 pieces of artwork and pieces of different art styles and philosophy displayed in specially curated public programmes including performances, workshops, lectures and opening symposiums.
Kathmandu Triennale 2077 is being held in five locations each hosting its themes and own types of unique arts. These locations are the Patan Museum, a UNESCO world heritage site and former royal residence of the Malla dynasty; the 18th-century Bahadur Shah Baithak school; Nepal Art Council; the recently restored Taragaon Museum, renowned as one of Nepal's first modernist buildings; and Siddhartha Art Gallery. Each of the themes has also integrated the historical significance and context of the spaces and the locations where the works of art are being hosted in.
But the main theme that connects all of the venues are is the shift from the Eurocentric nature of discussion in art and decolonizing the references and art they display in this event. A major part of this shift was the rebranding of the whole event from 'Kathmandu Triennale 2020' to 'Kathmandu Triennale 2077' where they changed their date from Gregorian Calendar to Nepal Bikram Sambat to show this change.
All the venues will open for public viewing from 2 pm to 6 pm. In addition to the public opening, the organizers of the events will also host a live stream known as 'KT Kurakani' with a variety of programmes like Conversations, performances, artist talks and curatorial notes being live-streamed from an on-site location.
For today's schedule, from 1 to 3 pm, from Patan Museum Courtyard, curatorial notes will be given by Cosmin Costinas, Sheelasha Rajbhandhari and Hitman Gurung, with performances from Ujjwala Maharjan & Sarada Dangol concluded with artist talks including artists Lok Chirakar, Patrizio Di Massino, Ashmina Ranjit, Pranika Koyu, Yasmin Afschar on Emma Kunz. In addition to this Patan Museum and Bahadur Shah Baithak will hold special curatorial tours of their art pieces from 3:30 pm.