Getting in the Festive Spirit … A Little Early!

Hotel Radisson holds a fruit cake mixing event at the Terrace Garden

10, Dec 2018 |

Hotel Radisson holds a fruit cake mixing event at the Terrace Garden

To kick off the holiday spirit, today, (November 2nd, 2018 from 3pm-4pm), Radisson Hotel, being first to commence this event this year, held a cake mixing/fruit soaking event at the Terrace Garden on the fourth floor in the new wing of the hotel. To honour the mixing, women professional attended the event: Mrs. Pratima Pande, Mrs. Edwina Logan, Mrs. Edwina Champy, Mrs. Suman Nepal, Mrs. Baba Sarkar, Mrs. Rita Bhandary, along with other women professionals. Curing the fruits, nuts and spices in delectable liquers for a month in advance will bring out the festive flavour of the cakes just in time for the holiday season.



The afternoon started off with drinks offered to the guests: mimosas, juice and spiced tea.



Next, Anu Parajuli, the Assistant Manager Sales & Marketing commenced with a welcome speech and an introduction to the fruit soaking, mentioning Radisson's tradition of mixing then soaking all of the essential ingredients until it is ready to bake. After, executive chef Mr. Utpal Mondal elaborated more on this tradition during the holiday time. Next, the cake mixing ceremony commenced. Everyone was offered crisp, bright white chef hats, aprons and gloves to mix the rich ingredients, only to later have the colours of the holiday season splashed and stained on the chef apparel. Whilst listening to classic Christmas carols by the saxophone and guitar player and pouring in endless bottles of rum and brandy, and mixing in spices such as cinnamon, nutmeg, and a dash of cardamom, the festive spirit was brought out.



Following the cake mixing ceremony, afternoon teas, wines, and sweet pastries such as macaroons, cookies, and cakes were offered to the guests. On their way out, guests received lovely goodie bags to bring home and share with their family. Come back in a months time to enjoy the fruits of the Radisson culinary team’s labours.


Text by : Elisa Gurung

Picture credit : Rakesh Manandhar

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