Kathmandu celebrates Eid al-Fitr

5, Jun 2019 | nepaltraveller.com

‘Eid Mubarak’, a common exchange of greetings preceded by numerous acts of kindness, forgiveness, faith and celebration

Globally celebrated amongst Muslim communities, Eid al-Fitr marks the end of Ramadan. ‘Festival of Breaking the Fast’, as the name suggests is a religious holiday that is the end of the Islamic holy month of fasting (sawm).


Concluding the 29 to 30-day Ramadan period from dawn to sunset, the day of Eid falls on the first day of the month of Shawwal. The three-day festivities begin with the sighting of the new moon, often varying from country to country. Special morning prayers are said in mosques and open-air spaces which later turns into a grand feast.

Families, neighbours, friends and loved ones come together and pray today. Greetings are exchanged with formal embraces, sweet dishes are prepared at home and gifts are given to children and to those in need.



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