Bikhyat Bikram Rana is currently associated with Mountain Glory Forest Resort & Spa located in Pokhara as Head of Sales & Marketing. He is an enthusiastic, enterprising, and result-oriented sales professional with 15 years of work experience in leading retail chains and the hospitality industry, both within and outside the country. With the completion of Hospitality Management from Vic, Melbourne, he started his hospitality journey in Nepal at Hotel Annapurna. Taking the lead role in cluster sales for Summit Group of Hotels to pre-opening Sales and Marketing Head for Chandragiri Hills, he is a familiar name in the industry.
How do you see your current role as contributing to your organization and tourism in Nepal?
Well, sales and marketing are the front-faces of any organization. A client will visualize your products and services based on your presentation and confidence to deliver. My role is to maintain a balance between guests' expectations and our commitments. I believe satisfied guests are the best marketing tools for the growth of any business and a solid reason for the increase in the tourism sector.
What, in your opinion, needs to be done to help Nepal's tourism industry flourish?
Firstly, I believe the development of infrastructure is a must, whether it be accessibility or connectivity. Secondly, we should have a sustainable tourism plan and promotional strategies. Last but not least, we should have properly governed rules and regulations to encourage tourism.
What are you passionate about, or what keeps you entertained, motivated, and refreshed?
I am definitely passionate about my work, which always keeps me kicking for better results. In fact, meeting and having conversations with different people on diverse topics refreshes my memory and is also a source of entertainment for me. Besides, I love traveling, spending time with friends and family, watching movies, and so on.
What is the best thing to do in Nepal that you would suggest to a tourist or visitor?
Well, it always depends on what he or she prefers to see. We have an diverse geography, culture, cuisine, vegetation, and one of the best climatic conditions to explore.
Still, I would suggest tourists explore the unexplored trials and set examples for the natives to promote uncommon things.
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