The Chimney Restaurant at Hotel Yak & Yeti, on November 15, hosted an intimate lighting ceremony. The cosy ambience naturally brought together guests, all in awe of the landmark chimney.
Relaunched only last month with an extended outdoor seating and a revamped menu, the restaurant is truly a joy. Seeped in history, the grand hotel is an architectural enigma and more so, the longest standing restaurant and its famed chimney.
Welcoming colder days, every year the chimney is lit mid-November. Continuing tradition, this year Her Excellency Wellage Swarnalatha Perera, Ambassador of Sri Lanka and His Excellency Saeed Hamdan Al Naqei, Ambassador of UAE was invited for the lighting ceremony.
Rekindling the flame, the restaurant was immediately aglow with the familiar spirit. Relishing on the sumptuous bites, an enjoyable evening was in store for all. Hosting them, General Manager of Hotel Yak & Yeti, Monika Scheiblauer steered them through history, interesting accounts of Boris Lissanevitch and the flavoursome delicacies.