Matka Chiya: Earthy Bliss

Matka Chiya is the craze of the town. Not only is it a treat to your taste buds, it comes with many health benefits too.

6, Feb 2023 |

Before, when there were no glass cups, plastic containers or aluminum utensils, all the edibles were cooked in clay pots. We seem to be going back in time because Matka Chiya is back to remind us of the taste of our past, and it is lip-smackingly good.

The taste of Matka Chiya feels great and unique. One of the causes is that Matka is made of earthenware and absorbs tea when hot liquid is poured into it. The taste of the clay pot inexplicably combines with the hot tea, changing and enhancing its flavour. It is also made more interesting by the fragrant freshness of the Matka clay while drinking Matka tea.

In keeping with our heritage, hot clay mugs that have been cooked or baked in a kiln are used to serve tea. This gives the beverage a characteristic earthy flavor. And as the weather became colder, some vendors have begun offering Matka coffee as well. Wherever you get your fix, it's always a fantastic experience.

Many Khaja Ghars, hi-fi tea shops, or roadside tea stands have started offering Matka Chiya. The tea in those elegant glasses is for you to enjoy. But you'll appreciate the taste of chiya more when you compare it with the earthy flavor you get while drinking tea from a Matka. People have been drinking tea from Matkas for a very long time. So, it is not a new practice. It is one among the factors contributing to Matka Chiya's fame.


In the past, we would drink tea in Matkas and then throw it away. We can categorize it as a non-reusable object as a result. On the other hand, once they have been cleaned, glasses can still be utilized. However, some bacteria might still be present in the glass after washing, leading to waterborne illnesses. The use of plastic drinking glasses can potentially be harmful to your health. The consumption of tea in Matkas can therefore help to prevent bacterial infections and disease contamination.

Source of Calcium

There is a lot of calcium in the soil. By ensuring that we receive at least some of the nutrients from the clay used, drinking tea in a Matka helps to strengthen our bones.

Earthy Taste

The scent of the clay used to make the tea in Matka improves its flavour. The clay Matka enhances the flavour and scent of the tea rather than being just a glass container that adds nothing to the tea.

Eco Friendly

Plastic drinking vessels are harmful to human health, particularly to the digestive system. Also, it harms the ecosystem severely. A clay cup is also fully eco-friendly and does not harm our health or the environment in any way. 

Reduces Acidity

By utilizing a cup made out of clay, the acidic tendency of our body is diminished. Acidity is thereby kept under control. Also, Matka tea tends to increase the body's calcium levels.


Provides employment to the locals

In villages, Matka is produced. For some households, making pottery is the only source of income. Chiya in Matka promotes their craft and increases employment opportunities for them.

Can replace Styrofoam 

Sometimes, tea is served in exceedingly dangerous Styrofoam mugs. These cups are made up of polystyrene. Tea or any other beverage that is poured into them can get contaminated with toxins. The chemical styrene can cause drowsiness, hormone imbalances, inattentiveness, mucosal issues, and irritation. Using an earthen clay cup has no unfavorable effects.

Matka Chiya is a variation of the traditional Masala Chiya that adds a pleasant earthy and smokey flavour, making it even better. You can serve your friends this atypical tea and surprise them with its distinctive clay pot flavor.

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